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Amendment of Regulation 25/2014.(IV.30.) applicable to dangerous goods safety advisors

Article 74 of Regulation 55/2017.(XII.27.) includes the following modifications:
Amendment of Regulation 25/2014.(IV.30.) applicable to dangerous goods safety advisors
74. § (1) The second intention of paragraph 2 of Regulation 25/2014. (IV.30.) (furthermore R16) applicable to dangerous goods safety advisors shall be replaced by the following:
„(2) The safety advisor shall pass the test in extending exam from the following subjects:
a) in the case of an extension for new type of goods in a given category of transport sub-sectors: specific knowledge test, case study and oral exam for the new type of goods
b) in the case of an extension for the new transport sub-sector: specific knowledge test and oral exam for the new transport sub-sector and case study of the type of goods in the certificate to be extended
(2) The following parts of R16 shall be repealed:
a) The part of text from third intention of paragraph 4: „ and shall be presented at the request of the competent authority”
b) the complete paragraph 12.